Rock’n out and Doin’ good
Since 2004, Andy has been a founding member of Western Wisconsin’s #1 classic rock band, The Remainders. The band has performed at countless charitable events raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the La Crosse community. Andy is the product of a musical family. His mother Louise is a killer organist and his father Bill is an excellent vocalist. At age 14, Andy joined his first rock band with Paul Leithold, Mark White, and Kirk McIlraith (Easy Street). At 16, Andy joined up with Jeff Smith in Aurora. By this time, the rock and roll bug had bitten Andy and, like most musicians his age, he was convinced he was going to be a star! After five years of slugging it out in smoky bars, a lightening bolt struck and convinced him to go back to school and “get a life.” At 21, Andy did get a life, got hitched to the woman of his dreams (Linda), and went back to school – for nine years. Two wonderful boys (Brandon and Nick) and a Ph.D. later, life was good but rock and roll was a missing ingredient. The Remainders represents the perfect mixture of camaraderie and therapy for Andy to ensure an effective work/life balance.