Freedom and Liberty

Everyone seems so angry these days. Maybe it’s due to the proliferation of one-way, anonymous communication tools where one can spit vitriol with no consequences or repercussions. Embedded within this anger is a deep feeling that rights and personal freedom have been infringed. Through my lens, it seems as if the concept of “freedom” has somehow been uncoupled from that of citizenship.

In this time of crisis and extreme polarization, it may be helpful for all U.S. Citizens and prospective citizens/residents to visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website to check back in on the basics of what it means to be a citizen. The link can be found here:

In the middle of the page, there’s a dropdown box that shows the rights and responsibilities of U.S. Citizens. The last bullet under the ‘rights’ category states: “Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Although some may define freedom as the ability to do or say whatever they want whenever they want, it is the word “liberty” that is the balancing mechanism between freedom and social responsibility.

In this Wikipedia definition of Liberty (, “...Liberty entails the responsible use of freedom under the rule of law without depriving anyone else of their freedom.”

So yes, in a free country, we should be able to do as we please, so long as our actions don’t negatively impact others. Hence, tools of emotional intelligence, situational awareness, collaboration, and self-regulation are critical to our future as a well-functioning society.

The point is this. I believe we can cool the rhetoric and bring the temperature down by reminding ourselves of our duty and responsibilities to others within our community.

Yes, my personal freedom is important to me, but your well-being must be equally important. I’m free to smoke a cigarette if I want, but not free to blow smoke in your face.

Only when we recognize and act on our obligations to the community will we find the balance necessary to break free from the extremes that hold us firmly in their grip.

I have no political agenda other than to bring us closer together in the spirit of mutual benefit, peace, and cooperation.

Grace. Dignity. Compassion.



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