Courage, Grit, Agility, and Success
To recap, you’ve determined that you want to be successful, you’ve done the work on yourself to create an authentic definition of success that aligns with your personal purpose and values, you’ve identified your personal blockers to success and have developed the courage to challenge your internal itty-bitty-$hitty-committee and the expectations of society and your network. So what’s the next ingredient to achieving success?
Grit, Determination, Persistence, Perseverance, Drive, and Resilience
Don’t Give Up!
But now it’s time for a new chapter—one where I stand and say “I’m not finished—I’ve got more to contribute.” It’s time to make the dream of creating a lasting work of art that will outlive me a reality. Just because I’m in my early 60s does not mean that I lack the energy to create new music to give to the world. Music that I’m deeply proud of and hope resonates with listeners of all ages.
Wrestling with Imposter Syndrome
What I do know is that reducing the negative feelings that accompany my imposter syndrome has distinct benefits. My anxiety is much more manageable, I’m happier and feel more fulfilled, and I believe I’m a better parent, partner, and friend. So how did I reduce my exposure to imposter syndrome? I defined and connected to my personal purpose.
The (not so) Secret Formula for Success, Part II
To add value and deliver results, one must be appropriately educated and skilled in one’s chosen field. Continuing to add value throughout one’s career requires the adoption of a lifelong learning and continuous improvement mindset. Resting on one’s laurels and previous accomplishments is never a good idea. While it’s easy to grouse and complain that we live in a “what have you done for me lately world,” the better path is to adopt the mindset that success comes from continuous learning and improvement in outcomes and results. If failure occurs, learn and move forward.
The (not so) Secret Formula for Success, Part 1
You see, developing a robust professional network takes time, energy, and skill. Contrary to the common perceptions noted above, everyone can build an impactful professional network. Doing so requires a host of human skills (a.k.a., soft skills) such as communication, influence, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, active listening, persistence, drive, courage, intention, and many others.