Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Employee Engagement and a Government Shutdown

I know from personal experience as a leader that teams who believe their jobs are at risk or who’s pay is uncertain do not perform at their peak abilities. The constant threat of being let go or of not getting paid looms over the team like a dark gray cloud. When the rumors swirl that x team is going to be downsized or y operating unit is going to be shut down, productivity grinds to a crawl.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

The Debt Ceiling and Unnecessary Complexity

First, most businesses function better when the economy is stable, and fiscal policy has a major impact on economic stability. Yes, there are businesses that thrive on chaos, but those are the exception and not the norm. The vast majority of us value reliability, predicability, and high-functioning governmental entities and policies that support business growth and consumer well-being. Fights about the debt ceiling do neither of these things.

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