Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

An Epidemic of Anxiety, Part 2

I can’t put enough focus on the value of education and good decision-making that’s accompanied by a lifelong learning mindset as ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Too many in our society are on auto-pilot, going through the motions of life. Life is happening to them. Self-reliance developed through learning and education coupled with better decision making skills is the path to making things happen in your life and taking control of your narratives and outcomes.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Patience v. Procrastination

The consistent truth to the creative process is that the only way “there” is “through.” To cut straight to the point today is that the skill of patience is woefully underrated and under-appreciated. Knowing when to push forward and when to let a project or idea sit is an incredibly important skill—for content creators and business leaders. Patience is key. Sometimes, some things, just need to sit.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Knowing Your Limitations

Living this new life with brand new shiny titanium hips comes at a cost. The cost is that certain movements are prohibited - especially twisting like a pretzel or creating an acute angle between the upper and lower body. There is a mindset shift that accompanies transformational biomechanical surgeries. I am a better version of myself, but I can no longer allow “I can do anything” hubris to get the best of me. There’s an extra layer of situational awareness that I’ve had to build over the last two years that forces me to slow down and think before I act. I view this newfound situational and spatial awareness as an asset and not a liability.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

AI and Lifelong Learning

I’m nearing my 60th birthday at the close of this coming summer and face a choice very similar to the choice that my parent’s generation faced in the late 1990s. I can either learn more about NLP, LLM, and what’s coming next, or I can tell myself that “I’m too old to learn something new” and be left in the dust—begging my children’s generation for the remainder of my years to help me use the avalanche of new tools and technologies that will undoubtedly sprout from today’s LLM seeds.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

The Value of Changing Perspective

Many times, we feel stuck because our scenery never changes. We take the same route to work and follow the same routines throughout our day—allowing our subconscious mind to take control of the wheel. While for many of us, a lack of change in our lives can be comforting, it can also be a root cause of why we feel stifled and frustrated. 

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