The Subconscious Mind’s Impact on Financial Literacy
The important point is to recognize that these biases exist and they have a profound impact on our ability to make sound decisions with our money. The purpose of engaging in self-talk is to challenge our internal biases and to bring more decisions—especially the important decisions we make—into working memory as opposed to giving agency to our biased, subconscious mind.
Essential Skills for Effective Critical Thinking
The challenge we face is that critical thinking is hard. The easy path is to not question, not ask ‘why,’ and not dig for deeper meaning and root cause. The more difficult, but ultimately more rewarding path is to challenge fixed belief systems, internal biases, and recognize that when we deflect and point fingers at others, three more are pointing right back at us.
How to Improve Critical Thinking
I get asked fairly often how an individual can improve this skill. So today, I’m going to provide listeners with a tool to improve critical thinking. Before we get started, a word of caution—improvements in critical thinking seldom happen overnight. Critical thinking skills are developed over years and maintaining this skill takes real effort—critical thinking can atrophy quickly if we abandon or reduce our commitment to continuous improvement and lifelong learning. It is sooo easy to get lulled into the status quo and easy to adopt a fixed, unyielding mindset.
Vote! It’s Your Civic Duty
Vote and keep in mind that it’s not cult of personality that you’re voting for. It’s not a political party you’re voting for. As a US Citizen, it’s your obligation to defend and support the United States Constitution. Fun fact, the framers of the Constitution were terribly afraid that political parties would fracture our nation and tear us apart. It should be Country over Party and not the other way around.
An Epidemic of Anxiety, Part 3
Increase financial literacy, get educated, adopt an agile, lifelong learning mindset, periodically unplug from social media, advocate for changes to our educational system to improve the skills of critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making, do what you can to reduce your impact on the planet, and understand when you’re being played by politicians and the media. We are all in this together. Support your neighbor, get to know individuals from other cultures and other parts of the world.
An Epidemic of Anxiety, Part 2
I can’t put enough focus on the value of education and good decision-making that’s accompanied by a lifelong learning mindset as ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Too many in our society are on auto-pilot, going through the motions of life. Life is happening to them. Self-reliance developed through learning and education coupled with better decision making skills is the path to making things happen in your life and taking control of your narratives and outcomes.