The Expectations Trap
This week, I’d like to drill a bit deeper into the benefits of diversity versus uniformity and a key trap leaders can easily fall into. We’ll call it the expectations trap. Just as leaders can be tempted to reduce friction and drag with a homogeneous “Team Yes” by hiring people who look and think like they do, it’s also easy to project expectations for dedication, effort, productivity, engagement, and results onto others.
Connecting Stewardship and Diversity
A balancing act all leaders must grapple with is the short-term benefit of moving fast with minimal drag from a personally curated “Team Yes,” versus the long-term satisfaction that comes from building a diverse team that will simultaneously challenge, support, and push the boundaries of your current state positions and thinking.
Stronger Together
We learn and grow as humans when we look at a challenge through multiple lenses and take onboard information from multiple perspectives. To me, this is true freedom - the ability to learn from our mistakes, test and expand our capabilities through experiences and education, pursue individual happiness and self-actualization, and meaningfully contribute to society with our unique gifts and talents.
A Seek to Understand Mindset
As a global society, let’s use the Holiday Season to reflect on how we approach interactions with our fellow cosmic travelers. When alignment is a challenge and viewpoints don’t seamlessly calibrate, seek first to understand—not immediately jump to tearing others down who don’t share our opinions or worldview.
If more of us seek to understand, we will continue to make progress toward a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive future state.
Safe Spaces
Without purposeful care and attention, teams splinter into silos that promote internal competition and prevent the information sharing that’s necessary to encourage collaboration. Silos and affinity groups will always exist within your business—especially as it scales and grows. However, it’s essential to create an environment where silos fulfill their purpose of necessary specialization but don’t become fiefdoms ruled by minor nobles who promote idiosyncratic ways of working and unproductive subcultures.
A Plea for Humanity
Today's brief message is a plea for humanity, balance, and healing in the wake of last Saturday's mass shooting in Buffalo, NY.
Progress is to be found through #diversity, #equity, #inclusion, and #education.
Grace. Dignity. Compassion.