Vote! It’s Your Civic Duty
Vote and keep in mind that it’s not cult of personality that you’re voting for. It’s not a political party you’re voting for. As a US Citizen, it’s your obligation to defend and support the United States Constitution. Fun fact, the framers of the Constitution were terribly afraid that political parties would fracture our nation and tear us apart. It should be Country over Party and not the other way around.
Writing - A Key Leadership Skill
One of the unpleasant truths of leadership is that the people who populate your organization (at all levels) are constantly trying to divine your position on myriad topics - everything from purpose and vision to the stack ranking of current-period priorities. Like it or not, as a leader, you are a significant topic of conversation and your position on issues matters.
The less visible you are, the more active the water-cooler will be. Infrequent communication from the top provides more oxygen for conspiracy theories and rumors to thrive. Conspiracy theories and rumors breed significant emotional waste that can negatively impact morale, engagement, and productivity.