Giving Tuesday!

Wow - look at how scruffy I am in this week’s video! I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving…

This week we’re keeping things light and brief. As I’ve mentioned previously, my wife Linda and I are the campaign co-chairs for the 2022/3 Great River’s United Way (GRUW) fundraising season.

This coming Tuesday is “Giving Tuesday,” where charitable organizations around the world make appeals for year-end contributions. My ask of you today is to include your local United Way in your philanthropic plans as we close out 2022. There are three ways to help:

  • Get involved at your employer by joining in on their annual corporate campaign. Giving is easy through automatic payroll deduction for as little as $1 per week. If you’re new to philanthropy, this is a great way to get started. If you’ve participated previously in your employer’s campaign, please consider increasing your weekly contribution this year.

  • If your employer doesn’t run a campaign, talk to your human resources professionals and ask them to run a campaign next year.

  • Go directly to the United Way’s website and either make a one-time contribution or set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account.

Need convincing? Here are a few graphics that speak to the positive impact your contributions can make on your community. These stats are specific to GRUW, but I’m sure your local United Way sports similarly impressive numbers.

Thanks for listening. Thanks for making a difference. Live United…


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Safe Spaces