Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Purpose & Posture

Good posture is both a physical construct and a mental state of being. Good posture is a way of living. Truthfulness, community service, self-confidence, self-awareness, situational awareness, emotional intelligence, and many other positive attributes are wrapped into the concept of good posture. Good posture signals to everyone around you that “I’m here, I’m ready to contribute, and I care.” When honed over time, good posture is the optimal balancing act between service to the self and service to others, but good posture starts with literally straightening the spine, brightening the eyes, and letting go of all the baggage you’re carrying around that doesn’t align with your purpose or your goals.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Exploring Team Chemistry

We’ve all heard these phrases before: “My team just clicks,” “My team is a well-oiled machine,” “My team is really gelling,” “My team has great chemistry,” and the ever-nauseating “Teamwork makes the dream work.” This week, I’d like to explore the concept of team chemistry to determine if it’s as mysterious as it’s often made out to be, or if there are necessary conditions that underlie team chemistry and make it something we can create and extend from one team to another.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Every Leader’s Job

The reality is that we are all different. Every member of a team has a unique set of change curves that is akin to a fingerprint. We all wear a one-size-fits-you pair of lenses that we see and interpret the world through. Assumptions of sameness quickly break down because for any individual change event that occurs—an acquisition, product sunset, or process change, to name just a few—each team member is going to process said change event differently.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

The Value of Changing Perspective

Many times, we feel stuck because our scenery never changes. We take the same route to work and follow the same routines throughout our day—allowing our subconscious mind to take control of the wheel. While for many of us, a lack of change in our lives can be comforting, it can also be a root cause of why we feel stifled and frustrated. 

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Death, Taxes, and Change

What makes business different is that a business is a going concern. What this means is that a business should–theoretically–last forever. But just like a human or your automobile, entropy is out to get your business. Without significant maintenance and substantive change through time, your business will fall apart and return to the stardust from whence it came. Therefore, change is a necessary condition for the success and survival of any business. Operating a business without a plan for how to deal with change–or imagining that change is not important–is akin to having a death wish. Left unattended the opposing forces of change and entropy will rip the organization apart.

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