Hire a Veteran!
Second, here’s a reminder to hiring managers everywhere to hire veterans. Why? Veterans are resilient, they know how to persevere, they understand collaboration and teamwork, they’ve acquired valuable skills from one of the best training and human development organizations on the planet.
Resilience and Recovery
To make the importance of resilience clear, I’ll ask this question. What do you want to be known for? Do you want to be the person who’s able to pick themselves up, take ownership, ask for help when needed, and quickly rise above challenges; or the person who gets upset, falls into an emotional black hole, shifts blame, and doesn’t move forward?
BE CLEAR - A Continuous Improvement Tool
When purpose and vision are not clear, the status quo becomes a warm, comfortable blanket to snuggle up in. It takes discipline to get to where you want to go. When you take a look around at the “successful” people in your life, I’d put all the money in my pocket on the bet that they all share the skill of discipline.
Becoming “Bankable”
To be “bankable” requires an understanding of how the business functions, what your role is in the value streams that you influence, and how the value you help create generates revenue and operating income.