The Dangers of a Retirement Mindset
So what’s your plan for retirement? Yes, you may want to step off the treadmill of a fast-paced career path, but it’s essential that you not stand still. Standing still is the fast pass to a slow and oftentimes painful slide into oblivion. Instead, commit now to developing the habit of continuous improvement and lifelong learning. Keep moving in retirement. Give back. Mentor. Take a part-time job that fits your purpose. Living a full life means living a full life. Don’t give up on yourself.
Reducing Emotional Waste and Insecurity
The sources of insecurity abound. Jealousy, unresolved failure, challenging relationships, lack of skill/education, poor planning, bullying, institutionalized bias, and the absence of a sense of belonging are but a few. To punch the point regarding the fluid nature of insecurity, just spend a little time with the preceding list and explore how easy it is to find examples where these issues apply both at home and at the office.
Resilience and Recovery
To make the importance of resilience clear, I’ll ask this question. What do you want to be known for? Do you want to be the person who’s able to pick themselves up, take ownership, ask for help when needed, and quickly rise above challenges; or the person who gets upset, falls into an emotional black hole, shifts blame, and doesn’t move forward?