Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

The Details Matter

I speak frequently about the benefits of adopting a continuous improvement mindset and practice—so much so that the premise of my second book, The Balanced Business, is that smooth workflows create an environment that fosters organizational accountability and allows trust to flourish. There are many preconditions to the establishment of smooth workflows, but one of the most important is to create clarity about how the work gets done in your business.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Hire a Veteran!

Second, here’s a reminder to hiring managers everywhere to hire veterans. Why? Veterans are resilient, they know how to persevere, they understand collaboration and teamwork, they’ve acquired valuable skills from one of the best training and human development organizations on the planet.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Woven into the Flow of Work

Operating in the absence of organizational clarity means that unwritten rules and ad hoc processes become the norm. Since nothing is codified and communicated, the organization’s culture becomes one of firefighting and crisis management. Fiefdoms are established, job protectionism flourishes, and information about what’s really going on is traded like state secrets.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

How to Build Empathy? Listen.

Far too often, when confronted with a challenge, we talk. We talk to deflect. We talk because we don’t know what else to do. We talk to release nervous energy. To make matters worse, when we start talking, we usually start relaying a story of a similar challenge that’s happened to us. The individual who’s going through the challenge doesn’t want to hear about our suffering or similar situation, they want to be heard.

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Why Striving for Balance Matters

Applied in a business context, a team that possesses a strong sense of balance performs well under pressure and is not buffeted nearly as violently by the winds of change and external competitive pressures compared to a team that lacks a keen sense of balance. But what does balance look like in business?

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Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte Saturday Morning Muse Andrew Temte

Yes, They’re Talking About You…

So today’s lesson is this. Yes, as a leader, people are going to talk about you. Someone is probably talking about you right now. The good news is that you have control about what they’re saying and the irony is that you’ll sleep better and your ears will stop buzzing if you’re transparent, authentic, clear, and structured. Oh, and sprinkling in a bit of humility, a sense of humor, and a dash of vulnerability won’t hurt either.

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