BE CLEAR - A Continuous Improvement Tool
When purpose and vision are not clear, the status quo becomes a warm, comfortable blanket to snuggle up in. It takes discipline to get to where you want to go. When you take a look around at the “successful” people in your life, I’d put all the money in my pocket on the bet that they all share the skill of discipline.
The Art of Self-Reflection, Part II
Remember, self-reflection is about you and your continuous improvement journey. If you find yourself focusing on others, pointing fingers, or wallowing in self-regret, you’re not engaged in self-reflection. That’s a pity party. Nobody likes to receive an invite to a pity party!
The Art of Self-Reflection, Part I
Unfortunately, there are all manner of societal pressures that make self-reflection difficult. Some label it as “fluff” or “weakness.” Some surround themselves with so many external voices and stimulation that the concept of self-reflection is foreign and uncomfortable. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve succumbed to the narrative that “tough guys don’t reflect.” I’ll also be the first to admit that becoming more in tune with yourself through meditation and reflection is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
How to Live with Intention
So let’s say that you wake up one day and say: “Living without intention is no fun. I thought that living a care-free, happy-go-lucky life would be the way to go, but here I am, stuck in a dead-end job with no idea what comes next.” This is a great step forward, but to move from where you are to living with intention requires some work. It’s not possible to live without intention one day and begin living with it the next. So what are the necessary conditions for living with intent?
Cultivating the Inner Eye
The first step on the journey to strengthen the fidelity of our inner eye is to recognize our obligation to learn and continuously improve. Without a strong inner eye, we become rigid, fixed and unyielding. Without a strong inner eye, it is difficult to see ourselves as part of the solution to challenges. We easily fall into the trap of a blame mindset and are easily swayed by strong voices that are not our own.