Decision-Making & New Year’s Resolutions
In lieu of a rah-rah speech about the wins of 2024 and the promise that 2025 hold for us, today’s Muse is focused on the skill of decision-making. Why? Decision-making is one of the most important skills that you can build for personal and professional career success. It is a higher order skill that relies on myriad subskills such as courage, creativity, communication, analysis, problem solving, compassion, self-awareness, situational awareness, financial literacy, business acumen, constructive conflict, teamwork, and the list goes on…
Self-Awareness and the Art of Challenging Conversations
This morning, I’m going to read an excerpt from my first book, Balancing Act: Teach, Coach, Mentor, Inspire. The point of today’s Muse is to shine a bright light on our responsibility as leaders to hone the skills of self-awareness and engaging in challenging conversations.
Essential Skills for Effective Critical Thinking
The challenge we face is that critical thinking is hard. The easy path is to not question, not ask ‘why,’ and not dig for deeper meaning and root cause. The more difficult, but ultimately more rewarding path is to challenge fixed belief systems, internal biases, and recognize that when we deflect and point fingers at others, three more are pointing right back at us.
The Case for Compassionate Leadership
My goal with this muse is to gently, but purposefully change the arc of the conversation in corporate circles around the concept of empathy and empathetic leadership. In my opinion, empathy is great, but it lacks two essential ingredients—the willingness/ability to help, and the ability to detach. Compassion represents a logical extension of empathy as it combines the ability to recognize someone else’s feelings and the motivation to help them do something about it. This addition of the motivation to help requires an ability to separate or detach oneself from the challenge the other person is experiencing. Without this ability to mentally detach, their challenge or pain becomes yours and carrying around that emotional burden will ultimately lead to your own exhaustion and burnout. Yes, it’s awesome that you feel another’s pain and want to help alleviate it, but if it’s at the expense of your own well-being, what’s the point?
Self Love Comes First
Unfortunately, we avoid talking about self love because it’s a deeply personal subject and carries with it a stigma. A label that self love is too fuzzy and squishy. A label that you’re somehow showing weakness if you discuss self love. In my opinion, we need to elevate discussions of self love because respecting and loving oneself is the foundation upon which all other relationships rest.
Purpose & Posture
Good posture is both a physical construct and a mental state of being. Good posture is a way of living. Truthfulness, community service, self-confidence, self-awareness, situational awareness, emotional intelligence, and many other positive attributes are wrapped into the concept of good posture. Good posture signals to everyone around you that “I’m here, I’m ready to contribute, and I care.” When honed over time, good posture is the optimal balancing act between service to the self and service to others, but good posture starts with literally straightening the spine, brightening the eyes, and letting go of all the baggage you’re carrying around that doesn’t align with your purpose or your goals.